As use of electronics and information and communications technologies for entertainment and work rises, more of us are recognizing the effects of blackouts on our daily planning and looking to residential generators as a way to prepare for outages.
Once considered a luxury fixture for large homes, residential generators are increasingly becoming necessities among small households as well. It’s no wonder that the global supply of portable generator sets nearly quadrupled between 1995 and 2005 and continues to rise. Residential users are increasingly investing in back-up or standby power generators to provide electricity during disruptions caused by supply shortages, equipment failure or weather related outages.
With their declining prices and smaller sizes, residential generators are an increasingly attractive solution for ensuring the safety, comfort and convenience of modern households.
Oak Electric has completed over 3,000 generator installations in Michigan. When it comes to residential and commercial emergency backup generator systems, we do it all—Sales, service, rental, installation and maintenance. We offer the latest technologies from top generator manufacturers.
Oak Electric understands homeowners’ needs and requirements when it comes to generators and makes it our business to satisfy your preferences and requirements. If you are considering automatic standby or backup generation for your home or business, the professionals at Oak Electric Service are happy to answer your product and installation questions. We invite you to visit our website at to learn more about us; or give us a call at (800) 964-7070.