When it comes to backup or standby generator systems, Oak Electric does it all—sales, service, installation, rental and maintenance. And now, we are pleased to be your source in metro Detroit for a wide range of parts and accessories for residential and commercial standby generators for leading generator brands, including Generac, Briggs & Stratton, Kohler and GE. Best of all, you can now order your parts online on the Oak Electric website at: www.oakelectric.com.
Our online generator parts department offers: surge protectors, voltage regulators, monitors, starters, bellows, control boards and panels, battery chargers and battery warmers, as well as kits for performing scheduled maintenance on your generator system. (All generators require periodic oil and filter changes to ensure maximum performance for years of reliable service.)
With over 3,000 generator systems installed in Michigan, Oak Electric is your one-stop source for generator service and supplies. And remember, we offer 24-hour emergency service for generator and other electrical issues.
If you are considering backup generation for your home or business, the professionals at Oak Electric Service are happy to answer your product and installation questions. We invite you to visit our website at www.oakelectric.com to learn more about us; or give us a call at (248) 206-5980 for a free consultation.