USA, Not China, is #1 in Wind Energy

sunflowerwind1You may have heard that China leads the world in terms of megawatts (MW) of wind turbines installed. But a better measure of wind energy production is actually the total amount of electricity, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), that a country produces from wind and delivers to customers. And in this regard, it is the United States that leads the world in the amount of wind energy that powers its grid.

Capacity (MW) measures wind turbine production and installation, but it is the electrical energy (kWh) delivered to the grid that powers our factories, businesses and homes.

China has over 90,000 MW of wind turbines installed compared just over 60,000 MW for the US. But according to the American Wind Energy Association and the U.S. Department of Energy, the United States produced over 167 billion kWh, over 20 percent more than China’s 138 billion kWh for 2013.

As one of Southeast Michigan’s leading renewable energy contractors, Oak Electric Service has been selling, installing and servicing wind turbine systems from leading manufacturers, with numerous residential and commercial installations throughout southeast Michigan. Give us a call at (800) 964-7070. Our wind turbine experts are standing by to answer all of your questions. We invite you to visit our website at to learn more about us.

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