If you own or are considering the purchase of a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV), be sure to call Oak Electric Service for the installation of your electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). You will also be glad to know that DTE Energy offers a special electric vehicle charging rate.
Most PEV drivers will charge their vehicle’s rechargeable onboard battery packs overnight at home. The battery packs can be charged from two types of outlets: Level 1 (120 volts) and Level 2 (240 volts). The difference in voltage does not affect the amount of energy stored in the battery, but the rate at which the battery is charged. Depending on the battery size and how far the vehicle was driven, Level 2 charging takes between 3 and 8 hours to fully charge a battery, or half the time of Level 1 charging.
DTE Energy PEV customers can choose one of two electric vehicle rate plans—you can opt to stay on your current Residential Rate Plan, or consider a Whole House Time of Use Rate Plan. With the Whole House plan, you charge your electric vehicle off-peak along with other house hold appliances under the Whole House Time of Use Rate.
Customers using a Level 2 charger can also take advantage of DTE Energy’s PEV Time of Use Rate or PEV Flat Rate.
For more details, visit the DTE Energy website at: www2.dteenergy.com.
Remember that for safety reasons, a licensed electrician should be called to perform EVSE installations, which
must comply with local, state, and national codes and regulations. Appropriate permits may be required from the local building, fire, environmental, and electrical inspecting and permitting authorities.
Oak Electric Service is one of southeast Michigan’s leading electrical and renewable energy contractors. Give us a call at (800) 964-7070 to schedule your EVSE installation. Our experts are standing by to answer all of your questions. We invite you to visit our website at www.oakelectric.com to learn more about us.