Consumers Energy Offers Solar Buyback Program for Residential and Business Customers

solarbuyback2Currently, there are 260 Consumers Energy customers taking part in the utility’s program that enables customers to harness the power of the sun from solar panels installed at their home or business—and then sell the power back to the utility.

Consumers Energy announced in the beginning of July that it was expanding the program, which now generates enough power to serve 635 homes, by opening it to new residential applicants. While applications for the current phase of the program must be filed by August 6, future quarterly phases are planned through 2014 and into 2015 as needed to meet program capacity targets.

In order to be eligible for this solar generation program, applicants must be a Consumers Energy account holder, own or lease a solar photovoltaic generating system, and install the system on the premises of the existing account or on a contiguous adjacent property.

The capacity of installed systems must be at least 1 kW, but no more than 20 kW for residential or 150 kW for non-residential customers. The expected generation of the system cannot exceed the amount of energy the customer consumes annually at that location.

Oak Electric Service is one of southeast Michigan’s leading renewable energy contractors. Give us a call at (800) 964-7070 to learn about our solar panel system sales, installation and service. We invite you to visit our website at to learn more about us.

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