Wind Energy Production Rising in Michigan

Wind energy has been the primary source of new renewable energy in Michigan in the past few years. It could get even more of a boost as the Obama administration seeks a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

Wind energy is turning out to be about half as expensive to produce as utility companies initially expected—down to as little as $50 a megawatt hour from more than $100 a megawatt hour in 2009, according to the Michigan Public Service Commission.

Wind power production is giving rise to new companies that supply components and helped create new jobs.

A state law that requires 10 percent of electricity be produced by renewable sources by the end of 2015 has increased the demand and helped propel the construction of wind farms in Michigan.

Since the law passed in 2008, 20 wind farms have become operational or are in development in the state; utilities have invested more than $2.2 billion in renewable technology in general.

When it comes to renewable energy solutions, Oak Electric Service is your local wind power specialist. Call us at (800) 964-7070 to learn about our wind turbine system sales, installation and service. We invite you to visit our website at to learn more about us and the wind power systems we have installed in southeast Michigan.

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